Jonathan Gonzalez

Game Design

Traversing Traveler

Indie Game Published on Steam – Team Project (Lead Technical Designer)


A Night In Fantasy

Indie Visual Novel – Solo Project

Time Aversion

Indie Game (Published on – Solo Project

Level Design

Zelda-type Dungeon

Graphic Design

Generative Artificial Intelligence

Random Novel Generator (GPT-2, Tracery)

Made using GPT-2 and Tracery, this project looks use AI to generate novel length text. Using automated prompts using Tracery, GPT-2 will take the prompt generated by Tracery and create a story that can be read by a user. This project can be run locally using a pre-trained model and having at least Python 3.8 or higher.


“Im the Medical Man of this City, I cried, but the key? Is Maldonado written all over it, said he. My attention was soon drawn from the inquiry which was just made, and from the desire to know whether my companion was a Fellow of University teaching, and whether, at the Institution of Unison, he had made a solemn and secret pact with the notorious Committee of Lecturers, which he signified by a word, a Section, or a Section Two, or a Section Three, or any Section of the Body, in as many Sections as the most scrupulous men may solemnly signifie. It was difficult, for he had alledged this letter, to write, neither because he was not conducting his thoughts with great ardour nor for easy berating. He was just on the point of finding out what all the fuss was about, in detailing some simple cogitations in the travellers magazine, and making himself conspicuous in the insignia of the cabs, and of the lamps, and of the so-called jack-in-the-box and of the limousine. The immense and so almost invisible minority of the people interested in these events, or who had seen or heard of them, they were few in number, and had no written acquaintance with the matter.”

Comic Book Generator (Stable Diffusion)

Using Stable Diffusion and a pre-trained model, this project looked to automatically generate imagery that resemble comic books and manga. This is done using prompt engineering to accomplish this effect, you can either run this project using Google Colab or locally with Stable Diffusion.
